Wednesday, September 25, 2013

And Grant Is Gone!

Grant flew to Florida this morning.

He is spending a few days in Florida before he heads to Ghana on Monday.

It is actually happening!

So far this mom is doing ok.

It will be very different once Grant leaves the US.

But being in a melancholy mood, I decided to post a few picture of Grant.

Most of these, if not all, are somewhere on my blog but for our enjoyment I thought I would post them together so we did not have to search each post spanning the past five years to catch a glimpse of my second oldest,

My dear Grant.

I thought I would save you some work.

Grant,Elena,and I on the set of Jingle All The Way in St. Paul

Grant at three month recovering from his heart surgery and now look at him!

Off to Ghana!

Only the Lord could see his future.

What an awesome young man Grant grew up to be.

Warmly, A Dragonfrye Mommy

1 comment:

  1. It's been a couple of months since I've caught up with you on your blog. Going backward and seeing this post about Grant . . . makes me sure I'm doing the right thing when I tuck in my little men once more before going to bed myself. One more kiss on their sweet little boy heads, one more deep breath of their warm hair (one with curls; one whose curls went with the first haircut). I already know the day will come when my "babies" (7 & 3) will be big boys and will have grown into young men. My girls will grow up (2 already have and one more is nearly there) as well, and I still tuck in the ones at home, but girls kind of keep their softness of skin and silky hair. I will be thinking of you while your son is away. Watching them leave the nest is hard.
