Thursday, March 5, 2009

Over in the Meadow is Here!

Like my new blog title? We do not live by a meadow but I really wish I did. I just like the poem Over in the Meadow by Olive A Wadsworth. For some silly reason this poem reminds me of how I would like to be as a mom. It is inspiring to me. I can not quite explain it but I will try. As I read the poem (it is on my right side bar) it makes me want to love my kids more, to just sit down and enjoy them more. These moms in the poem are not running around like crazy getting all kinds of 'important' mom tasks done. They are being moms but still delighting in their little children. Now, I can not decided if I would want to be the mother bluebird or the mother cricket...Right about now you must be thinking how much you missed my odd train of thought these past few months aren't you!?

On to details about my new and improved blog...

I have taken a few months off to think over my blogging. I decided that although I have enjoyed sharing all of the ups and downs (well,not so much the downs. They were kind of embarrassing) here on my blog, I have been wanting to have a slightly different blogging focus for some time. I just did not quite know how to go about it. So after a few months of pondering things here I go...

You will find a little less journaling about my feelings and emotions ( mostly the negative ones ) which if you have followed this blog a little you will know change very rapidly! No need to take everyone on my crazy emotional roller coaster rides. Ha...I am pretty sure it is a ride my family would like to opted out of every once in a while as well. Maybe a little less detailed family reporting. I would like to use my blogging to focus on the beauty of our family life. I can be a glass-half-empty kinda person and miss the beauty and blessings in the little every day things. Those are the things I want to blog about,the little things. That being said this blog might start to look fluffy and anemic lacking 'real life'. Oh, real life is happening over here and it will continue to be loud,crazy,and sometimes very overwhelming for this old blogging mom. If you start to think otherwise give me an email and I will give you the read-between-the-lines lowdown!

I also love projects. The second part of my new and improved blog will be taking whoever is interested on more of my project adventures. I would like to include tutorials on as many of my projects as time allows me to. Is it too bold of a statement to say that since we are made in the image of God and God is The Creator that the desire for us moms to create beauty for our families and those around us in whatever form it may be can actually be a good use of some of our time? I am sure all of us moms have things that we are good at that we can use to bless our families...sewing,gardening,crafting,math,cooking,science,writing,the list is really endless. It might be boring to some but I will be sharing my many projects on many different subjects. I love trying new things. Not all of them will turn out the way I had envisioned but that is ok. Some projects will be for my family and some for my Etsy shop but either way it will be fun to show-and-tell!

Welcome back!

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