Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Maybe Final Thoughts...?

Now that I found a home for my quilts I have been thinking of taking a little blogging break. When I first started Dragonfrye News last year ,it was created as a way to keep family and friends up to date with all the changes that had been going on here at the Frye house with the recent arrival of Cryus, Ekie and Grace.The blog then was very handy to keep people posted as we went through the adoption process of Joyce, Odell ,and Naomi.Of course, all those those cute ultrasound pictures of Lily needed a place to be shown as well!

I have been pondering lately if maybe my blog has outlived it purposes for now.The crazy changes in our home have all been made and now we are at a point were life is moving forward (most of the time anyway) and now after being a family of sixteen for 6 months,we are at a stage where deeper relationships are being forged between siblings as well as other adjustments that come along with major family changes.We do have our share of fun but we have run across some major bumps as well.I have been thinking that by posting the good things that go on in our family (which I have been doing )but leaving out the harder things really does not have the purpose I would want in my blog.I'm just not ready to write about the difficult parts yet.You have read some moaning and groaning about my days but that is only a tiny poor reflection of the hard days.

This has been something I have been pondering for a while now but as I was writing a friend the other day all these glowing things that God has been doing in our family with this 'oh, look at us,aren't we just so great' kind of attitude,it hit me that I'm really not feeling all that great.Don't get me wrong,God did do some tremendous things,but I feel I am in a constant state of treading water.I'm a tad exhausted,a little disillusioned about my christian walk with God.I have been for a while but have not said much about it.I long for the vision we once had for our family and my life.I realised that I have been spending most of my energy trying to force people to see me/us as something special out of my insecurity.Running around putting fruit on my own vine instead of resting and trusting in God to do it himself in his own time.Sadly, my blog has become a sort of false reality of my life.So,I'm thinking of taking a blogging break.I'm not sure how long,maybe just a month,but long enough to get a little more perspective on things.

I will keep my blog open because I am still going to post my free quilt giveaway on Monday, September 8th.So come back during that week.

Have a good August!!!

With warmest regards,


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