Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Rag Quilt

I set out to start my Christmas Sunbonnet Sue quilt tonight but realized I bought the wrong type of thermo-bond!I bought the strong stuff not the thermo-bond light.I thought maybe I could still use it but when I tested it I concluded my sweet Sunbonnet Sue appliques would feel too stiff.Not what I wanted.

I decided to try my hand at making a Rag Quilt instead.Has anyone ever tried making one?I heard it was easy but I personally thought it was rather hard.I was a little disappointed with how my rag quilt turned out.A few mistakes I did...not using a walking foot to sew the squares and not using a real small machine stitch.This will probably not be a quilt I try to make again.Some things I am driven to keep trying until I get it right but not this one.Maybe it is because I am not sure I care for the look.Of course,the kids like it but they are my greatest fans.Very loyal!

Now just because I thought this was a challenging quilt to make you might really enjoy it so here are the
Directions on how to make a rag quilt that I followed.The only change I made was that I used all large squares and not a mix of large and four patch squares.

Before I washed it.Every time I look at this particular picture I get a little dizzy!I took it at a very odd angle!

After I washed it.You can kind of see the ragged edges

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