Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Bouquet of Beauty

Well, maybe not to most but to one old fabric lover it is!

Here is a peak of my pile of half finished drawstring skirts. Sixteen of them! It doesn't look like much now but wait until they are finished! I have the easy parts done. Now I will be working on adding the eyelets,hems, and things like ruffle or rickrack as time permits over the next few weeks. I can get a lot accomplished sneaking in a few moments here and there when things are semi quiet around here. I just get very exited when I see the things I envisioned in my mind start to become reality.

This blue fabric below with the pink flowers I am making three of.One baby/toddler size,one young girl size, and one for Elena. She really liked this fabric.

I had to give a close up of this fabric. It is a part of a group named Mother and Daughter that I saw at Hancock Fabrics. Elena thought it looks more like two sisters and I agree but it still is so cute! As you see in my pile above I have the pink Mother and Daughter toile version as well. They might end up odd looking skirts but then again maybe they will look real neat!

There are a few kids that naturally gravitate towards the table when I have my projects laying out. Elena,She loves chatting with me while I sew. Grant and Alan (with his cup of tea) also will look for comfy spots to sit just to chat about life as the sewing machine is humming. Joshua always wants any extra scraps I have left over to make things for his stuffties. Ekie is a fabric lover like I am.I do not think there is a fabric I own that Ekie does not think is really pretty. Joel is always around as well wanting scraps. Just the other day Joel saw my 'ideas book' where I tape little fabric swatches and jot down the zillions of project and quilt ideas that swim constantly in my head. He was SO exited about the book and thought I taped all the fabric in the book just for him. Maybe I will help him make is own book like that sometime.

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