Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Blue Skies!

Today brought with it blue skies. Well, not at first. Today started out pretty much like yesterday ended. Not very good but after a nice talk with a dear friend who gave me a different perspective on things things were looking better. Thank you my dear sweet,friend! I took what she said and pondered it. The day started to turn around. Alas blue skies!

What did I do? I apologised to a child I wronged. I spent time actually fully paying attention to things like bugs found, projects made, pictures colored. I let myself get just as caught up in childhood dreams as the child who was dreaming, overlooked a few harsh words directed towards me and others. I took extra time to make a good dinner. Just tried to love more. It was hard at first,needing lots of God's grace but by the end of the day life around here was very different.

What did I see when the gloomy skies started to break? I saw children concerned when another child fell, bigger kids letting the younger children win or catch the ball. I saw six children intently watching another sibling build a diorama for the local fair and saying things like "this is really good" , "I bet it will win a ribbon" with genuine sincerity. The home run was when I overheard this from two sibling who had been sparing all week "I am proud that you are my brother. I would pick you for my brother even if I had a choice of brothers"." Ya,I like you too.I suppose I would pick you as a sister,too..." (I ignored the "...but you are kind of bothersome" part of the quote.)

On to my projects.

After supper I started quilting one of those quilts I have waiting. I was having quilting machine troubles but a little oil, a little lint cleaning, and a change of the bobbin did the trick for now. The machine is still not sounding right. I really should get my machine serviced but I hate the idea of it being gone for so long.

I thought I would use a wine thread for this quilt. I will add the binding in a few days.

I am now a little ways into quilting this quilt. I hope to finish this one up tomorrow evening.

Elena is the greatest popcorn maker! She adds the perfect amount of butter and salt. This tasty bowl of popcorn was the secret key used in my quilting abandonment for the night!


  1. I'm glad you had a good day! You are a great mom:) Elena's popcorn looks very good. What a nice treat!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful day...I need to do that more too..really take time look at the bugs, I mean. Tami Pehrson is having a C-section on Friday now...will it be a boy or a girl? She already has 4 boys...lost a baby boy last Fall too. Did you know that? Better are starting to wake up.
