Monday, June 29, 2009


I was hunting in our clothing boxes to find Lily a few summer things and I came across this dress. I made this dress and two similar dresses for Anya when she was a baby. I just think they are SO cute. It is a little on the small side for Lily who is 18 months. Anya was around 9-12 months when she wore them but she was a little chubby baby.

Lily in Anya's baby dress.

I could not find a picture of Anya wearing the exact dress Lily is wearing in the pictures above but the below picture is Anya wearing one of the other dresses I made in a different fabric. Summer 2003.

As long as I was digging up baby pictures of Anya I thought these would be fun to show. I can hardly remember when our family was this size. This was in 2002. We had six children eight and under. Pretty cute group!

This is just a sweet picture of Elena,Grant,and Anya. Elena was so exited to have a sister.

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