Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Josh's July Coupon

I've surviving the first day of the fair. Most of you probably do not know that we are just a block away from the Waseca County Fair grounds so it gets VERY busy during the summer around here especially during fair week. I really enjoy it all. We first fell in love with this house back six years ago during fair week.

I do kind of get embarrassed if my kids are out in the yard screaming, shouting, or fighting while the fair goers are walking by. I have this no outside screaming/fighting/showing off/shouting out the windows/or standing around staring at the folks passing by rule during fair week. I guess it sounds like a don't be a kid this week kind of rule doesn't it? It is kind of hard to enforce but this year has not been so bad.

Josh redeemed his July birthday coupon this evening. The coupon was for a trip to the fair with just the two of us. We had a good time.

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