Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sweet Anya

Tonight was my special time with Anya. She wanted to walk over to McDonalds to spend her free french fry coupon.

On our way over to McDonalds Anya stepped in doggie-doo.A dilemma... I did not want to go to McDonalds with icky shoes so we walked over to the self serve car wash place to see if I could clean her shoe off.Someone had just finished washing his car so we walked around in the puddles but that did not work.We tried a few other things that did not work so I finally scrapped her shoe on the car washing scrub brush!That solved the poo problem but NOW it was on the scrub brush!I did not have any change to run the car wash to clean off the bush and,of course the change maker was out of change.Hmm...I thought I would go to McDonalds and get change to bring back after our date.I just hoped no one would use the car wash before then.

We had our date and all was well.I had the $1.50 in change I needed to fix the car wash poo problem but NOW there were three cars there and one was right in front of the poop brush car wash stall!How can I run the car wash without a car with a bunch of people watching me!After gaining the courage I walked oer and explained to the people by their cars (they were all friends) about the car wash brush.Well,they looked at me like I was from outer space and I was not sure if they knew much English.I just told them I would leave the $1.50 there and if they were going to wash their cars to make sure they clean the brush first.I was pretty embarrassed.

Now this whole time Anya just thought we were having some fun in the puddles and talking to some old friend...thinking what an added treat she was having on her date time!We did get to chat with some friends and pet their horses at the fair grounds after the poo instance which was very fun.

I was reflecting about the dog poo thing and decided how kind it was for God to let that happen.This day will forever be burned in my memory.I will always remember exited little 5 year old Anya confidently walking down that sidewalk talking about the french fries she is getting as that shoe sinks into that pile of poo.My Anya,she had grown so much!I want to remember every second of it,which I really can't so I will take a pile of poo every now and again to keep memories like this burned in my mind.

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