Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008

Today ,I decided I'm kind of tired if issues.I think I have enough experience under my belt to deal with most any mothering situation but I definitely DO NOT!

Five of the girls had to miss their breakfast meal because they were goofing around about something that they chose to continue after warnings.They all handles it well.There was no resistance.I guess in their minds the folly was worth a few hours of a growling tummy.

I did have trouble with one of my boys today.Right now I am pretty emotionally frazzled.He threw about a 7 hour temper tantrum (no it was not Joel,good guess,though) off and on.It was real frustrating.It was one of those times when NOTHING I did carried any weight.He was Throwing toys ,slamming and kicking the doors,telling me he hates me.I would have been a little more understanding but he would act all icky and then laugh about it as he would through the toys! What to do.This particular boy has a tendency to talk powerful say thing things like "No,mom you can't make me" but nothing like this.

Now,I would usually draw the conclusion that if I had run in with half my kids it must be me who woke up on the wrong side of the bed.But really it was not.Mondays do always greet me with a longer to-do list and what not but I thought I was pretty cheerful today.Oh, maybe tomorrow will be a little better.My feet can not take much more of this hot coal walking that it feels like I did today!

Despite the many LOOOOONG moments of stuff I needed to deal with I did manage to snap a few pictures of the kids playing bus or was it camper?I think it was camper even though it does look more like a bus.

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