Monday, February 8, 2010

I Think I Will Make It!!

Well, I think I actually made it through the day. It is 9:39 pm and I am in my bed under my cozy heating blanket. I am SO tired. We will see if I can repeat this Waking up at 5 AM thing again tomorrow. Since I was up hours earlier there is a few extra highlights to share!

Remember yesterday when I mentioned we were at the end of our month with food? I was not teasing. See here is basically all we had left.I took this picture this morning.This food shelf holds almost all of our food dry goods for the month. We have one cupboard with cooking supplies like flour,sugar,etc. We have our fridge and a small chest freezer and that is what holds all of our food for the month. We literally use most everything up each month.

Jeff went shopping for the month and now we are living like royalty! There are a few drygoods missing,like the p & j but it is nice to look at a full food shelf again.

Joel was helping Lily get ready to play outside this afternoon. They worked so hard and were very sad when I told them they had to stay in. Hoofer made them happy!

I tried to squeeze in my nightly sewing during the day today instead. I did it.I finished my daily sewing to do list. I made the other four Valentine bags.

I made the Valentine skirt I was talking about yesterday.

Isn't it SO cute! Anya my model.

Here is a close up.

Here are the pj's I made today for Odell's birthday tomorrow.

I think they turned out so nice!

The pj pants are flannel. I appliqued the heart onto a purchased pink t-shirt.

I think she will like it.

A Patchwork Mommy


  1. Our pantry/shelves always look like your empty one. I am always amazed at the Lord's mighty provision-I never hear the little ones complaining of a hungry tummy. Truly, the Lord takes care of His children!

  2. Good for you! I am not a morning person, but I am working on becoming one also. I have found I need my quiet time before my responsibilities for the day begin. I make my bed as soon as I crawl out of it so I am not tempted to crawl back in!!! :)
    Your body will adjust to your new hours. I couldn't do 5 though....I do 6 or 7 depending on the day of the week. :)

  3. I have a pantry shelf just like yours....well....yours looks sturdier than mine. Anyway...I had trouble with stuff getting dusty....and you obviously don't have that problem with 16 mouths to feed (at one point we had 10 living here). I got a spring-loaded curtain rod at Wal-mart and a flat sheet that I got for cheap at the Goodwill and made a curtain for the front of my shelf. It helped with the dust, but it mostly helped not feeling hungry every time we walked by it! :)

  4. Summer,

    Yes, God is faithful!I do think of you often.I picture you out every morning collecting your Mana from Heaven. Sometimes people are shocked that our food stock is so miminal most of the time but even with the small surplus we have it can be easy to trust in the food pantry being stocked and not in the God who stocks it.

    I have thought of curtains. That is a good idea! Maybe, I will get around to that but then again it just might become a play ground to a little toddler... I do not mind the dust and such. I just wipe it off.
