Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Oddles And Doodles Of Pictures!


Three marathon posts in one evening!!

I guess I had a lot to talk about this evening!

This post has lots of pictures of...Lily? No. good guess, though. My weekend projects and sewing talk...and a few pictures of Lily thrown in.

I finished six of my eight daughters' skirts this weekend.

Starting with the left orange skirt here is who they belong to:

Naomi, Ekie, Grace, Odell, Joyce, and Anya. The array of styles and colors are just beautiful and fit the personalities of their owners very well.

I still need to make Elena's and Lily's.

Elena is very, very particular. I am afraid she will not quite like anything I make so I am not quite sure how to handle hers. Maybe I will actually see if I could find a few bucks so she could buy one at the store. When I was 15 would I have worn a skirt my mom made? Possible, but I would have been very opinionated about it,too.

Lily's skirt on the other hand will be a lot of fun.

I was debating if I should use my cute Russian Nesting doll fabric or

this cute Easter fabric...

Joel voted for the Easter fabric. I agree. It is not for very many years I can get away with clothing my girl in Easter themed fabric!

Here are a few patterns I was thinking about....but I might just go with a little baby skirt and top like her older sisters. Then again...I will keep tossing it around.

I thought I would make Joel a little Easter vest. Gee, I have not done this for years! Joel is very exited especially about the cute doggy buttons.

I had a small crew for a few hours this evening so we had a special snack. I served gram crackers and milk (in special cups) to dip the crackers in. Tasty!

Wonder what I look like? You see the kids and Jeff but not usually me. Here is a very rare photo of me and my sweet Lily I took today. So Sweet!! My precious Lids.

A Patchwork Mommy

1 comment:

  1. That's a very nice picture of you and Lily. And I thought it was so sweet that Joel was building a fence for Lily so she wouldn't go in the street. What a nice brother!
    Hope your family has a good Easter!
