Monday, March 22, 2010

AWANA Grand Prix Time and A LOT of Rambling

Today was a busy day.

Some of the children's Sunday school classes sang during church this morning and then it was the AWANA Grand Prix racing time this afternoon.

Jeff and Elena brought the camera and took pictures for me because I was at home with some of our younger children.

Anya is somewhere in this group.


The kids were all exited about the AWANA Grand Prix race today. Of course, there was a bit of late night rushing to finish up cars last night but everyone finished their cars in time.

Jeff,Grant,Alan,Joyce,Cyrus,Nolan, and Josh all had cars racing in either the leaders or T & T race.

All the cars turned out great.

How about a few highlights!

Here is Josh (in the blue tye-dye shirt)racing his AWANA car.

Cyrus ( in the blue shirt on the far left) won 2nd place in design for Truth and Training.

Grant ( in the green shorts) won 3rd place (or was it second?).No how wrong I am.He won 1st place for Design in the leaders group.He wanted me to clarify that. Grant helps out with the 3rd and 4th grade Truth and Training boys.

Joyce ( in the pink sweatshirt) won 3rd place in speed in the leaders race. Joyce is a helper with the Cubbies.

I realize I do not have pictures of their actual cars. I will take pictures after they get their cars back Wednesday night.


Hm...what else...I had pretty lofty sewing goals this weekend but did not get anything done after I finished up the mini quilts.


One of the girls wet her bed while she was sleeping Friday night so on Saturday morning I went to take her bedding off her bed and noticed how VERY messy her bed was. I had not noticed it before. She was saving all sorts of little scraps,wrappers,and empty (clean) containers of whatever. It is one of our Liberian girls. I was thinking whether or not I should be concerned that maybe she is displaying a hording issue or something.

When I asked her about it she explained that she actually plays with these things. She and her sisters play house and store and other games with the scraps. Her many sibling supported her explanation. I then checked in all the younger kids beds (Liberian or not) and sure enough they all play with scraps or what-not.

Tell me what use is a paper scrap the size of a penny,a washed out Doritos bag,a deck of 36 cards,a Polly Pocket missing a leg and a head,or a book missing all but two pages? Maybe we do not give them enough toys OR maybe I have kids with great imaginations! See what no TV in the house will do for the imagination,cause your kids to save every scrap they see. TV is a little less messy.

Anyway, I had the girls all throw away the trash and they came down with five trash bags worth of papers,broken toys,and old food wrappers that they claim they play with.Five trash bags!


One last thing.

I decided to start up my Facebook page after a 15 month absence. I was using Jeff's Facebook the past little while and thought it was time to let him have his Facebook space back. Although,Jeff said he did not mind,I was kind of hogging it up.Facebook is neat but it does kind of depress me a little. I tend to feel lonely,like a miss fit,and maybe a little discontent reading what everyone else it up to. My life just kind of stays the same and others seem to have such exiting lives.


I like blogging.It is kind of like talking to myself.I like talking to myself.Facebook is kind of like being in high school again...kind of a cliquey thing. But,here I am joining up again trying to be cool.


Oh,who am I kidding...I'm just a dork at heart! I love being kind of dweebish.

A Patchwork Mommy.


  1. I'm with you, Tina. FB can be difficult sometimes. It's easy to compare (which ends in me feeling yucky...). Oh, how NOT pretty. Alas, I am who I am, and so are you! Much Love, Erica

  2. Me...again...we don't have TV, either, and my girls, in particular, also really enjoy little scraps of this and that and pieces of odd toys, too. I think you're onto something! Let's just say that it's their imaginations! :)

  3. I know what you mean about little scraps of things tucked away. I find things everywhere around the house where the kids have been playing house or grocery store or whatever. It's cute how they do that!
    I agree blogging is fun just talking about whatever. It's been nice and fun meeting people.
