Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Very Overcast Day

It's been a little bit overcast here at my house the past few days. * sigh* I feel a tad battle fatigued right now, just need to set my armor down and rest just a bit. We have had a little more grief from different neighbor yesterday. I am thinking that it is not just the cats that a few of the neighbors have issues with. Nothing has been said outright but I just get this feeling by little comments that are said here and there. Could it be the size of our family and all the noise that comes along with it? We do generate a lot of noise. Could it be the color of the skin of some of our children?

A neighbor yelled at our (Liberian) children the other day to stop staring at her and her son. It was a different neighbor than last week,although this neighbor has issues with our cats as well. I spent most of last night crying. Today, I am just sad. We are nice people,a nice family,our children love the Lord. They are good kids. We are not the all put together large family that maybe the Jeubs,Duggars, or the Large Family Mothering family are.I wish we were. Most times I think our family is just too messy to be much use for Christ. Maybe, I do not want us to be lights,anyway. I don't know. I have even been thinking if we just kept our family at a nice and tidy number...Anyway, I just want to raise my family in peace. I'm very worn out today.


  1. I had this post open to comment on yesterday and got busy and forgot. When I saw your birthday post, it reminded me I wanted to send a message.
    I'm just a random person in blog-land, but don't let your neighbors get you down. It takes all kinds in this crazy world, but know that you are a great family. I enjoy reading about your family. You have been blessed with a loud, crazy, happy family...enjoy it and don't worry about the others. (Same goes for the cats - it is really hard to get a cat to do anything you want, let alone stay inside!)

  2. I agree with the above commenter. You're a great family!! You'll never be able to please everyone no matter how many kids you have or cats or whatever it is. (You can be our neighbor! We'd love having your family here. There's a house for sale right beside us. And we don't mind cats because we're in the country so they have more room to roam:)
    I really hope the neighbors leave you in peace and hope you're having a better day today:)

  3. Tina,

    I am praying for your heart. It is so dear and sweet. Your family is great...just the way GOD made it, which is very different than how most families come about these days (by not considering adoption or considering the cost of either adoption or more children first...before what God may want). I admire you for allowing God to use you and your family. Your children need you, and you're giving them a great gift, even if it's not perfect. God never asked us to be perfect...just obedient...which you are! I'm praying for you!
