Saturday, August 1, 2009

FCA Camp Thursday Highlights

Elena did not video the HeavenWord Handlers performance at the Owattona FCA day camp this past Wednesday BUT she did take the camera Thursday which was the last day of the camp so we have some fun pictures of the camp attenders.

This was Owattona's first year hosting a FCA day camp. I heard there were around 25 kids attending the camp. Thirteen children made personal decisions to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior at the camp! Elena and Grant thought it was so neat to be involved as camp leaders. This next week it is Waseca's turn to host a FCA day camp. Elena and Grant will once again help as leaders.Alan,Cyrus,Joyce,and Nolan will attend as day campers. They are all pretty exited.

1 comment:

  1. Wow....over half of the kids making decisions for awesome! I met Him at Bible camp when I was 9. :)
