Thursday, August 13, 2009

A few Things

I had this big long post on my blog for a little bit yesterday elaborating a little (a lot) on chores around here. I decided it sounded dumb so I took it off but for the few of you who read it, I'm sorry I put you through that.

In truth, I am very insecure and I sometimes (ok, a lot of times) struggle with wanting to sound all important and stuff especially around those who I have spent years feeling like I am the little sister to, feeling a zillion steps behind them and running to catch up but not quite getting there. I decided will never be a book writer of that is for sure. Besides,I really do not have a whole lot of smarts in the area of large family mothering anyway. Don't let the number of children we have fool you, I usually feel like I am barely treading water. It is only, I mean ONLY, by God's kind grace that Jeff and I keep plodding along. If we have anything going for us it is just a great desperate willingness to follow God where ever he is leading us.

Enough of that! On to other things,things I actually know something about. Fabric!

I have been picking up fun and unique fabric here and there usually with the intention to make something but not really getting around to it, so I thought "hey! I will just list it all on my Etsy supply shop and if it is still around when I want to use it great otherwise I will just buy something else!" Heh Heh. Some of it you might recognise but oh, there are some cute fabrics!

Here is my pile. So far I have listed ten items.

I picked out a few of my ultimate favorites from the above pile.

This is a VERY fun fabric book. It has a few pages that one can add applique photos that have been printed on fabric. One page even has a cookie recipe.I wish I could have found more than one of this fabric book.

As you know, I just LOVE anything Mother Goose.

I am not usually fond of yellow but isn't this SO cute? I am guessing it is kind of vintage-ish.Maybe from the 1990's. Yes, I know 1990's are very vintage.

Here is one of my sleeping beauties. Anya fell asleep on the couch while I was taking pictures of my fabrics tonight. Notice here very messy plied hair? Joyce spent hours yesterday plying Anya's hair.Lots of little braids. Too bad it did not stay in very long.It was very cute.

Sweet dreams my little beauty!


  1. Beautiful fabrics! What fun! I love to collect fabric, I just wish I would find the time to use it all :0) And your little sleeping beauty is so adorable! :0)

  2. Just by having 14 children and getting through the day is a huge testament to how well you do as a family. With our 7, I feel overwhelmed sometimes. And you have 7 more than we do. You do a wonderful job and I like reading about how you do it:)
    And very cute fabrics! I have a whole pile of stuff, even some very old vintage items but I never know what to do with it and I'm afraid I'll ruin it so I just leave it in the drawer like it has been for the last 20 yrs.
